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The leading research institute in organic agriculture, FiBL, inaugurated its new office in
Brussels. It builds a bridge between FiBL’s sound scientific knowledge on organic farming
and the policy-making processes taking place in Brussels.
The team of FiBL Europe. From left to right: Magdalena Kurrig (intern), Miguel Angel de Porras
Acuña (co-director), Urs Niggli (president), Dóra Mészáros (co-director), Pia Pedross (junior
scientist). (Photo: Andrea Adriani Studio)
FiBL Europe, the new branch of the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) provides
a place for vibrant exchange between the organic farming community and the many
different representatives and stakeholders present in Brussels. "Organic farming has
become a real alternative for European agriculture, and we came to Brussels to provide our
scientific knowledge and to support the transition towards more sustainable farming even
better", says Dóra Mészáros, co-director of FiBL Europe.
World largest organic research institute
With its branches, FiBL is the largest research institute dedicated to organic farming
globally. Its research capacities are a key resource to solve the practical problems organic
farmers are facing as well as providing basic research on sustainability aspects of
agriculture.Urs Niggli, president of the new centre in Brussels, says: "FiBL Europe is the
portal to the scientific and technical excellence of the five national FiBL research institutes
in Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Hungary and France". "It will offer its services to both the
public and private sector."
The new office of FiBL Europe in Brussels. (Photo: FiBL)
Aims of FiBL Europe
Besides offering a comprehensive toolbox with information on organic farming knowledge in
different European languages, FiBL Europe will promote sustainability assessment
methodologies for agricultural businesses, companies in the food sector and for decision
makers, using tools such as SMART, RISE and Life Cycle Assessment.
"Further plans are to provide more countries with regularly updated lists of organic seed
and propagation material on the platform OrganicXseeds.com", says Miguel de Porras, co-
director of FiBL Europe. "Additionally, more national lists of evaluated inputs for organic
agriculture are under preparation".
On the occasion of the inauguration of FiBL Europe, FiBL presents itself with a modernized
corporate design including a refreshed logo.
Further information: Homepage FiBL Europe
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